YRE competition 2022- Honorable Mention-Litter Less Campaign | Campaign photo
Our future depends on our actions. Plastic packaging impacts life below water and equally good health and wellbeing. Plastics get carried to places such as the estuary in my photo. Albert Einstein said “we cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” My photo shows an upside-down/perspective with different thinking every action we take can address this imbalance. I hope in my future I take a photo in this same location and see no evidence of plastic waste.
By Sophie, Southland Girls’ High School
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi = Without foresight or vision the people will be lost
School social media: https://www.facebook.com/sghsnz/posts/2054201078088994
Personal social media: elv9aRmqSwOkHZjSduTAdw.jpg
Regional newspaper: https://www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/the-southland-times/20210922/281578063803514
National Operator: https://www.knzb.org.nz/programmes/education/young-reporters/yre-2021-winners/
National Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/KeepNZBeautiful/posts/4682258631833661